Errors in "Fukuzawa Yukichi as a Father: Translations of Letters Written to His Two Eldest Sons While They Were in the United States, 1883-1888", The Hiyoshi Review of English Studies, 62, March, 2013.

To my shame, the introduction and translation contain some errors. My only excuse is that I was asked to produce the translations for publication at short notice. I am grateful to Professor Nishizawa Naoko of Keio University for her help with the parts of the translation that I was unhappy about. If there are any further errors, the sole responsibility is mine. (If any reader detects further errors, I would be grateful for you to contact me at I will add them to the list and give your name.)

1. p. 5, l. 21: Omit "after which he will wash his hands of him".
2. p. 24, l. 22: Omit "[?]".
3. p. 27, l. 3 - 4: Replace the section after the semi-colon with "for people to be able to contribute to society they also need to have their own personal convictions.
4. p. 41, l. 15 - 16: Replace "I am resolved ... towards you." with "I am resolved to carry out my paternal duties towards you by coming to the United States and bringing you home with me."
5. p. 41, l. 18: Replace "I will not allow any blemishes to ruin this perfection" with "I will not allowyou to put a blemish on this perfection".